Bituminous emulsion adhesive compound
with DOBAU®- Duo Technology
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Bituminous emulsion adhesive compound
with DOBAU®- Duo Technology
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DOBAU®- Duo Technology combines the properties of environmentally friendly bituminous emulsion with those of solvent-based bitumen coatings. The result: Our DOBAU®- Kaltkleber Duo is water dilutable, non-flammable and has a low VOC content. In addition the special combination of bonding agents allows for a very high penetration capacity into standard building substrates and ensures an optimal bond.
In addition the special combination of bonding agents allows for a very high penetration capacity into standard building substrates and ensures an optimal bond with the bituminous product to be applied.
DOBAU®- Kaltkleber Duo is primarily used for bonding bituminous roofing membrane in strips or as a whole on flat roofs or roofs with a 5% incline as well as for repairing bituminous roof coverings.