Plant Dortmund
Dortmunder Gußasphalt GmbH & Co. KG was founded on 15 December 1970 by Deutag Mischwerke GmbH & Co. OHG from Cologne, Tief- und Straßenbaustoffe GmbH & Co. KG from Groß-Bülten and Hans Klein GmbH from Dortmund. Although the administration was located in the town of Soest, the production facilities were established in the Dortmund district of Huckarde on the grounds of Hans Klein GmbH at the harbour rail station.
True to the company’s name, mastic asphalt was produced with bitumen as a binding agent. This can be used in both road construction as well as industrial floors, bowling alley flooring, indoor screed or dam sealing. Even at an early stage, Dortmunder Gußasphalt concentrated on developing new products aimed at satisfying the increasing market requirements. With the brand BIGUMA®, the company began manufacturing joint sealants for asphalt, concrete and paving at the end of the 1970s. Whether aviation areas, motorways or pedestrian zones – the BIGUMA® joint sealants still play a vital role in protecting traffic surfaces to greatly increase their durability.
Further product groups, such as polymer-modified bitumen for special applications or block bitumen for building protection were added to the portfolio over the years. In response to a rapid rise in demand for dga products “made in Germany”, the production facilities were extended with the “Auf dem Brümmer” premises in 1988.
Nowadays, Dortmunder Gußasphalt in Dortmund primarily produces hot-applied joint, crack and repair sealants at both sites, these ultimately processed internationally.