Two-component polysulphide-based joint sealant
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Two-component polysulphide-based joint sealant
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PROXAN®- KV 2 is a fast-reacting two-component joint sealant for joints whose widths have the potential to expand by up to 35%. The PROXAN® – KV 2 G variant is pourable, self-levelling and particularly suitable for horizontal floor joints with a maximum gradient of 3%. The PROXAN® – KV 2 ST variant is firm and suitable for sealing vertical joints, such as skirting and wall joints. PROXAN® – KV 2 is tested and externally inspected for chemical resistance according to DIN EN 14188-2. Main areas of application: road, bridge and tunnel construction.
Approvals: DIN EN 14188-2, TL/TP Fug-StB for the load classes A-C
Application device
PROXAN®- flow guns
Accessories for pourable material
Accessories for stable material in the can
Accessories for stable material in the cartridge